Writing and Events

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or read the blog for negotiation tips.

Negotiation and conflict resolution: I’m a trained mediator and the ombudsperson for the Periplus Writers Collective. I’m an alum of the Harvard Program on Negotiation and love teaching the negotiation skills I’ve learned — especially to people who are conflict-averse or struggle with anxiety. I’m available for speaking engagements, podcasts, or one-on-one negotiation coaching

Newsletter: My free monthly newsletter, Negotiation for the Rest of Us, contains negotiation tips and information about upcoming classes, plus book recommendations and whatever I’m enthused about at the moment. (Why “the rest of us?” Because I spent so long thinking I couldn’t possibly be good at negotiation, and now have a mission to teach everyone who feels that way too.)

Writing: Currently working on a nonfiction book proposal for Negotiation for the Rest of Us! Negotiation advice that lets you be who you are AND get what you want.

Also writing a novel about two queer women of color, both AI experts, who form a mentoring relationship that helps them survive the snooty computer science department at their private New England university. (Did I mention I have a master’s degree in computer science from a private New England university? Total coincidence.)

Publications, interviews, and events:

Online classes:

  • Negotiation Basics: Getting What You Want
  • Negotiation for Creatives: Value Your Work

(If you’re not seeing any dates here, it means no public online classes are currently scheduled. Contact me if you would like to set up an online class for a group.)